Elias Coutinho

Music has always been present in the Elias Coutinho’s life. From the age of six he had contact with music through the conductor of his church’s band – Assembléia de Deus – and his first contact with the saxophone was at nine. Shortly afterwards he attended the Carlos Gomes Conservatory in Belém – PA, for four years in the basic course with the saxophonist Harley Bichara, where Elias Coutinho later acted as a teacher. He had as teacher the saxophonist Dilson Florêncio, already in the bachelor’s degree in saxophone by UEPA – State University of Pará, where he finished the course. It was the beginning of his academic career, with classes with great names in Brazilian popular music, among them: Ademir Júnior – DF and Paulo Levi – PA, as well as internationally known saxophonists, among them Alex Terrier, a Parisian saxophonist living in the United States .
His performance in the musical scene of the northern region of Brazil reinforces the local production of instrumental music, being considered by many to be one of the biggest names in Brazilian saxophone today. He participated in several festivals, including the “International Music Festival of Pará”, for six editions of the event, with participation with the renowned Amazonia Jazz Band, with the group Saxçaí Quartet of Saxophones, Symphonic Band of the Carlos Gomes Foundation , Adalbert Carneiro Quartet, Trio Manarí and as alto lead in the Metropolis Jazz Ensemble; He participated with the amapaense instrumental group “Amazon Music” of the Festival of Music and Gastronomy, in Tiradentes – MG. With “Trio Manarí” and with the quartet of the musicians “Adelbert Carneiro” and “Gileno Foinquinos” of FEMINSAP-AM. Also at FEMINSAP-AM, in 2014, Elias was one of the attractions of the festival, in the company of the amapaense group “Amazon Music”. In the following edition, in 2015, he was invited by the group of composer and multi-instrumentalist Dilean Monper. In 2013, he accompanied the renowned Brazilian bassist André Neiva, in his show at the fifth edition of the “Amazonian Double Bass Festival”. He participated with Ademir Junior’s orchestra, the JK Orchestra, in the closing show of the 1st International Meeting of Saxophonists, in Brasilia, which was invited by the great saxophonist Spok. In the project “Conexão Vivo” -Pará and Bahia, he performed with the big band Zarabatana Jazz Band, and with the Zarabatana Jazz combo, by the guitarist Ziza Padilha, with these groups, he participated in many other festivals.
In the year 2015, he competed in the 1st Victor Assis Brasil International Competition, where he qualified as 2nd place.
It is part of the musicians who lead and reverberate the scene of instrumental music produced in the northern region, with constant presentations in the cultural spaces of the capital, be it with his instrumental quartet or other projects. He also acts as a sideman for paraenses and national artists, such as the singer Lias Soares, with whom he recorded the DVD “O som é o sol” (The Sound is the Sun), in Teatro da Paz, being the arranger of the metal trio, acting as saxophonist and flutist, works, he also recorded the Markinho-Clássicos Internacionais DVDs and the recording of the samba player from São Paulo, Arthur Espíndola, also participating in the DVD release show, in the city of Rio de Janeiro at Teatro Rival.
In the academic area, he participates in meetings, festivals, shows and ministries Workshops in Brazil and abroad as guest artist, among them, WorkShop at the Music School of the State of São Paulo (EMESP), Workshop in Nova Iguaçú-RJ, CLARISAX / 2016 festival , in Medellin, Colombia, where he played with the big band of EAFIT Universit, SAXFEST / 2017, in São Paulo-SP, where he presented his show and participated in the Brazilian saxophonist Deríco’s show. In addition to its video-lesson site that counts with students from Brazil and abroad, Elias actively works on social networks, with classes on Youtube, Instagram and Facebook.
Currently, he dedicates himself to his projects in social networks and to his first authorial record that begins to be pre-produced. All stages from conception to the entire recording and finalization process will be accompanied by the musician’s social networks. The idea is to bring the public that follows in social networks, with the music that will be produced.